Building with COVID 19 in 2021
19 Jul

The world as we know it has definitely changed on the back of COVID 19. Currently in the building industry, there are different situations in place in each state.
In our local area, construction work is still regarded as an essential service, which is good both for builders and home owners. Trades and services linked to the building industry are still able to operate in reasonably standard type operations. This means that homes are still able to be constructed.
For those looking to build their new home, the old saying of “there is no time like the present” could not be more true. Due to the global demand on supplies and services caused primarily by COVID 19, the market for new construction is rapidly changing. Therefore, if you are thinking about building a new home, do not wait. Whilst the cost of construction has risen sharply this year, there is no end in sight of any slowing down as this is a global issue, not just a local one.
Now is the best time to start your journey to build your custom new home. The trick is to find a specialist custom new home builder that has managed their business well throughout the current market conditions and not oversubscribed themselves as so many builders have. A professional builder will have carefully structured their business to not overcommit so that they can uphold their commitments to their cureent clients in the areas that a most important, communication, service and quality and be able to best help new clients achieve their dream new home.
There are a lot of horror stories being bandied around the industry currently, like, builders asking for variations for price rises due to overcommitting themselves on the back of government grant funding for home owners and then the builder is being caught out with the market movement from bad pricing practices, too much work and the delays being experienced with some trades. Some home owners are being caught out with persuasive builders, or salespeople, or allowances in their contracts that let the builder charge more for items during the build unbeknown to the owner. This is definitely a time for ‘buyer beware’. Some clients are having to borrow money from friends and relatives to pay to their builder because their lender will not provide additional funding for the construction of their home.
The good news is that by working with a professional custom new home builder who has a clear preliminary process to achieve a fixed price contract, yes that’s right, even in these times, a fixed price can be achieved without putting the home owner at risk of additional costs or variations, you as the owner can have peace of mind about the cost of your new home. Your lender will feel better about this as well. It just takes proper planning with the right builder.
See what one of our client’s has to say:
Throughout the preliminary process it has been a pleasure working with you and your team.
I have felt very well informed throughout so far and right from the beginning you explained things with a detailed approach. I have always felt informed and assisted and it makes me very comfortable and thankful.
I am very happy that I chose your team to help me build my home and look forward to the remaining journey ahead.
So yes, COVID 19 has changed the way of the world as we know it, but it’s still a great time to be alive. If you are thinking about building your dream new home, call us today and let’s start your wonderful journey.
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